Petronėlės Gerlikienės kūriniai parodoje „Iš šerdies“
Petronele Gerlikiene’s artwork in the 100th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Song celebration art exhibition in Vilnius

Paroda „Grafikos vertė/s“, Vilnius
EN: “Value/s of Printmaking”, group exhibition, Lithuanian Artists Association, Vilnius

(LT) Šviesa, kaip meilė Jurgitos Gerlikaitės kūriniuose
Kaip kalbėti apie meilę miestui, kurį žinai, kur persipina noras mylėti, žavėtis, neigti ir bėgti nuo jo į kitus, didžiuosius pasaulio miestus? Jurgita per savo kūrybos laikotarpį jau yra sukūrusi kūrinių Reikjaviko, Kopenhagos, Londono, Dubajaus ir Italijos miestų tematika, tad tai jai nėra nauja… Tęsti

Vilnius – my city, 700th birthday
What would I tell you about Vilnius if you were a friend or a stranger whose arrival I was anticipating… Read on

Art Needs No Roof festival
Since 2020 the quarantine forced art galleries to close and kept artists from exhibiting their work… Read on

Education for Artists
Smartphone kills creativity, because it kills time. You stop observing, you don’t see those seemingly insignificant things any more and most important, you never get bored. Because we are petrified of getting bored. Your role is to be present… Read on

The launch of the new website
I am very pleased to announce that I have just launched my new website https://www.gerlikaite.com The main objective for the new website was to make it more business-oriented, secure, functional, and unique. You can now browse my artwork, find different series of images and order an original limited edition fine art print in the SHOP… Read on